This role has expired

MOSL, on behalf of the Strategic Panel

Independent Member, Performance Assurance Committee for Business Water Market

Job Reference QAOKN
Closing Date Tuesday 20 Aug 2024 (Now Expired)

The Strategic Panel is the business water market’s most senior industry group. It provides strategic direction and oversees programmes of work to improve market, customer, and environmental outcomes. Core to the Strategic Panel’s role is to transpose the strategic directions set by Ofwat (the regulator) and Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) into actions and programmes of work for MOSL (the market operator) and its members. Its members are the water companies – as known as wholesalers – and retailers who operate in the business water market.

The Performance Assurance Committee will be responsible for recommending monitoring performance in the business water market, holding companies to account to bring about improved customer outcomes and sustainable customer benefit. It is a delegated committee of the Strategic Panel for the business water retail market (the market) that will report to the Strategic Panel but make decisions autonomously (including recommendations for Ofwat).

The Performance Assurance Committee Independent Members should be experienced in decision making at a senior level and be able to consider and prioritise the areas of performance management that will better deliver against defined strategic outcomes. They must have a desire to positively influence the business water market to deliver in the best interests of existing and future business water customers. Successful candidates will have relevant experience of similar market operator functions and/or utilities markets (e.g. relevant expertise in consumer advocacy, policy, economics, regulation, law or governance from water or non-water industries).

Saxton Bampfylde Ltd is acting as an employment agency advisor to MOSL on this appointment. For further information about the role, including details about how to apply, please visit using reference QAOKN. Alternatively email Applications should be received by noon on Tuesday 20th August 2024.

The Performance Assurance Committee Independent Members should be experienced in decision making at a senior level and be able to consider and prioritise the areas of performance management that will better deliver against defined strategic outcomes.